Usage information of our taxi service

Types of our taxis

Ordinary type


Base fare 620 yen

Please feel free to ask us even for a short distance ride.

Jumbo taxi


Base fare -

Our jumbo taxi, which can accommodate up to nine passengers, costs less than riding taxis separately. Prior reservation is required. Please feel free to ask us.

Sightseeing taxi


Our sightseeing taxi takes you to such tourist spots as Tojinbo cliffs, Eiheiji temple,Dinosaur Museum, Ichijodani Asakura remains, etc. efficiently.
We have various courses for you depending not only on your destinations but also on the number of your group and your time schedule.
Of course, we cater to the demands of your own original course.


Please feel free to ask us about fares, etc.


Please use our taxis on your daily short errands and for going out with your family.

All the drivers support our customers cordially as your daily means of transportation with the motto of safety, kindness and politeness. We also have regular pick up and drop off service and sightseeing taxi service.



Awara Kanko Co.,Ltd. guarantees your pleasant trips both in and out of Japan.

Bus & taxi


Exclusive dial for travel



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